
Chapter 777 The Majesty Of The King

\'Shit! Shit! Shit\' Kaelan thought of his wife and children, imagining their faces as he had last seen them, before he had left for this mission. He wondered if he would ever see them again, or if he would be forced to turn against the kingdom he had sworn to protect. He wished that he had spent more time with them, that he had told them how much he loved them, before he had been called to serve once again.

Lirien thought of all the times she had warned the king of potential threats and dangers, and how he had always trusted her judgment. She wondered if she had missed something, if there had been some clue or sign that could have alerted her to the demons\' plan. She wished that she could have done more, that she could have protected the kingdom and its people from this insidious threat.

Both Kaelan and Lirien knew that they were fighting a losing battle, that the demons\' magic was too strong for them to resist. But even as their consciousness slipped away, they clung to the hope that somehow, some way, the kingdom would be saved from this terrible fate.


The demons watched from their lair as the advisor and the general carried out their bidding. They were pleased with how smoothly things were progressing. The advisor had proven to be an invaluable asset, providing them with detailed information about the kingdom\'s defenses and plans. The general had also played his part, subtly undermining the morale of the troops under his command.

As the days went by, the demons grew bolder in their actions. They began to plant false information in the advisor\'s mind, ensuring that the kingdom\'s defenses would be weak at the crucial moment. The general, meanwhile, continued to sow seeds of discontent among the troops, causing them to question their loyalty to the kingdom.

The advisor and the general were unaware of the demons\' influence over them. They went about their business as usual, believing that they were acting in the best interests of the kingdom. But deep down, something was off. They couldn\'t shake the feeling that they were not in complete control of their thoughts and actions.

The demons watched with satisfaction as their plans began to take shape. They knew that it was only a matter of time before the kingdom fell under their control. They reveled in the chaos and destruction that would soon be unleashed upon the unsuspecting citizens of Milea.


The king had become increasingly concerned about the state of his kingdom, as reports of low morale among the troops continued to come in. He knew that he needed to convene a meeting with his high-ranking officials to address the issue, and so he summoned them all to the throne room.

As the officials filed into the room, the king sat on his throne, looking over each of them in turn. The general and advisor, who were both under the control of the demons, sat among the others, their faces carefully neutral.

"Thank you all for coming," the king said, his voice steady but stern. "As you are all aware, reports of low morale among our troops have been coming in with increasing frequency. I have called this meeting to discuss this matter and find a solution."

The high-ranking officials shifted uneasily, their faces displaying a mix of concern and confusion. The general and advisor exchanged a subtle glance, their controlled minds noting the opportunity for further manipulation.

One of the officials spoke up, his voice laced with suspicion. "Your Majesty, with all due respect, there may be a traitor among us. How else could the enemy know so much about our defenses and plans?"

The room fell silent as each official looked around at the others, their faces contorted with suspicion and mistrust. The general and advisor sat calmly, their minds working to further undermine the unity of the group.

The king stood from his throne, his eyes scanning the room with a commanding gaze. "I will not tolerate accusations without evidence," he said firmly. "We are here to find a solution, not to turn on each other like rabid dogs. We are better than that."

His words seemed to have a calming effect on the officials, who slowly relaxed and settled back into their seats. The general and advisor maintained their neutral expressions, they didn\'t know that they were the traitors themselves.

eaglesnovɐ1,сoМ The meeting continued, with the king and his officials discussing various strategies to improve morale and address internal conflicts among the troops. The general and advisor offered their own suggestions, carefully weaving in subtle manipulations to further their masters\' goals.

As the meeting drew to a close, the king looked out at his officials, his expression one of determination. He knew that he needed to find a way to turn the tide of the war and secure the safety of his kingdom. Little did he know, the demons were already one step ahead, manipulating the minds of those closest to him.


The king walked alone in the dimly lit hallway, his head heavy with thoughts and doubts. The meeting had not gone as planned, and he was left with more questions than answers. The once strong and commanding figure had been replaced with a frail and depressed appearance, his aura of majesty gone.

He couldn\'t shake off the feeling that something was amiss in his kingdom, that there were traitors among his officials. As he walked, his mind raced with possibilities, trying to find a way to weed out the culprits without causing further chaos and unrest.

He knew he couldn\'t trust anyone, not even his most loyal advisors. He crossed the general and the advisor off his list of suspects, but the rest were fair game. He wondered if he should trust his intuition or rely on hard evidence.

The weight of the responsibility on his shoulders was crushing. He had to find the traitors, protect his kingdom, and restore the morale of his troops. The task seemed impossible, but he couldn\'t give up.

As he reached his room, he let out a sigh and slumped onto his bed. His mind was still racing, but his body was exhausted. He closed his eyes, trying to clear his thoughts, but the image of his kingdom falling apart kept creeping back in.

He knew he couldn\'t let his people down. He had to stay strong, find a way to overcome this crisis, and emerge victorious. But for now, he allowed himself to wallow in his doubts and uncertainties, hoping that a solution would come to him in his sleep.

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